PDF Converter Release Notes

Please note that the Adobe PDF Converter was formerly known as Adobe Normalizer.

PDF Converter v3.2PlusP1k (July 12, 2024)

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#45877 – XMP metadata is not maintained
  • SF#45951 – Logo is rotated
  • SF#46266 - DLL versions updated

PDF Converter v3.2PlusP1g (April 12, 2024)

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#45485 – Corrects an issue which occurs when input, job options, or other files used by democonverter are in directories with names containing Unicode characters
  • SF#46128 – Improves CSL initialization
  • SF#46152 – Corrects an issue with the ps.vm path creation in demomain.c
  • SF#46157 – Corrects a memory release issue in demomain.c
  • SF#46245 – Updates Libtiff to v4.6.0

PDF Converter v3.2PlusP1e (December 13, 2023)

New Features:

  • Adds a sample postscript "sample.ps" to the release package

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#45485 – Corrects an issue which occurs when input, job options, or other files used by democonverter are in directories with names containing Unicode characters
  • SF#45604 – Corrects an issue in which the 'relaxDSCSetup parameter was not allowing blank lines in the Header comment section
  • SF#45867 – Corrects an issue in which the "file" PostScript command contains a character in octal notation
  • SF#45901 – Corrects a issue in which the PreserveHalftoneInfo setting wasn't respected in the converted PDF
  • SF#45905 – Corrects multiple build analysis warnings in the democonverter command line program source
  • SF#45927 – Corrects multiple memory-leaks in the demomain.c source file
  • SF#45950 – Corrects an issue in which conversion of a Postscript file could fail unexpectedly because of an internal error

PDF Converter v3.2PlusP1c (September 15, 2023)

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#45486 – Corrects an issue where PDF Converter crashes on Japanese OS machine, when the username is in Japanese language, and using the API
  • SF#45831 – Corrects an issue where democonverter could crash in some cases when a subfolder's name length was greater than or equal to 9
  • SF#45848 – Corrects an issue where PDF Converter was writing to memory that does not belong to it
  • SF#45876 – Removes fpdfconversionsdk_c_win64.dll from distribution
  • SF#45898 – Corrects an issue with the cleanup of memory during PDFConverter termination

PDF Converter v3.2PlusP1b (July 24, 2023)

New Features:

  • Upgrade to use Adobe PDF Converter SDK 3.2
  • Upgrade APDFL libraries to the latest v18 release
  • Update libpng to version 1.6.40

New features from Adobe PDF Converter SDK 3.2:

  • New Era Japanese Ligature support is added in Adobe PDF Converter SDK 3.2
  • APC CSL 3.2 has updated CMaps to support the New Era Japanese ligature in APC SDK
  • Algorithm for Image Data conversion in ConvertToIndexedImage() API is optimized to improve the performance in APC SDK
  • Composite font deletion mechanism is improved by adding modification to MakeFontFlush() API

New features from Adobe PDF Converter SDK 3.1:

  • PDF/X-4 Compliant PDF generation - APC can now generate and check PDF/X-4 compliant PDF. Following API have been added: APCSetPDFX4Setting()
  • Added /PDFX4:2010 as new value of CheckCompliance joboption key for generating PDF/X-4 compliant PDF
  • Added Page skip feature for generating PDF of specific pages, this feature can also be used for counting total number of pages in postscript
  • Following APIs and callbacks have been added: APCPageSkipEnable(), APCPageSkipDisable(), APCDisableProcessingInPageSkip(), NSGetNextDeviceActivatePageNumber(), NSTotalNumberofPages()
  • Following Memory Callbacks has been modified: NSMoreMemoryProc(), NSFreeMemoryProc()

New features from Adobe PDF Converter SDK 2.0:

  • The Adobe PDF Converter 2.0 supports conversion of PPML file to PDF. PPML 2.1 is the latest version that is supported as of now
  • API used for conversion: APCConvertPPMLToPDF()
  • Addition of new keys to the job Options file given to Adobe PDF Converter are: /PassThroughFlateImage: If this parameter is enabled, then input Flate images are bypassed to output PDF document as it is. /DownsampleMonoImageMask: If false, disables the down-sampling of monochrome image mask
  • Configure RAM Disk Size to change the maximum amount of file size that can be placed in RAM by changing ramDiskSize parameter in NSClientConfig. Increasing this parameter to some extent is known to improve PSToPDF conversion performance
  • APCConfigureImageJob() product can optionally provide option to change PDF stream compression. For more information, see Conversion of Image Files to PDF
  • Disable auto-embedding of Type 1 Font whose CharStrings dict length > 229. For more information, see NSJobParams
  • Selectively disable filtering of objects present outside of a pagesize. This can be used to pass information using text outside the page. It can be turned on/off by command line option - deOptimizationLevel

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#45729 – Corrects a font issue in the CSL package that could cause a crash.
  • SF#45409 - Corrects multiple issues where multibyte strings were not being handled correctly when working with the Japanese language.

PDF Converter v1.1PlusP4a (May 22, 2023)

New Features:

  • Drop support for 32bit platforms
  • Drop support for Solaris Intel, Solaris Sparc and AIX platforms
  • Add support for Mac ARM and Linux ARM platforms
  • Upgrade APDFL libraries to the latest v18 release
  • Updates opensource libtiff library to 4.5.0
  • Updates opensource libjpeg library to 9e
  • Updates opensource libpng library to 1.6.39

Pre-2023 Release Notes/Normalizer Release Notes

PDF Converter v1.1PlusP3r (November 28, 2022)

New Features:

  • SF#45320 - Increases the version number of all dll’s.

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#44410 – Corrects an issue in which the application crashes when the user name includes Japanese characters.
  • SF#44567 – Corrects handling of current directory path to use UTF16 and UTF8 names properly.
  • SF#44962 – Corrects an issue in which the font cache may become corrupted when multi-processing PDFConverter on Mac and Unix.
  • SF#45184 – Corrects an issue in which a crash could occur when the user name includes Korean characters.
  • SF#45335 – Corrects an issue in which PDFMark Image Names were being assigned to the wrong image when a PS image is incomplete or unusable.

PDF Converter v1.1PlusP3p (October 20, 2022)

New Features:

  • SF#45263 - Updates open source Expat XML parser (expat) library to 2.4.9.

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#44997 – Corrects an issue in which errors occur when writing objects to, and reading them from, the PS file system.
  • SF#45037 – Corrects an issue in which a crash could occur when searching directories for resources.
  • SF#45068 – Corrects an issue in which an incorrect result could be produced when converting from PS.

PDF Converter v1.1PlusP3k (March 9, 2022)

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#44127 – Improves processing when encountering a problematic Subroutine within a CFF font by not raising an error and allowing it to finish converting to a PDF.
  • SF#44336 – Improves performance for a large document with a large number of show operators referencing small strings
  • SF#44646 – Corrects and issue which produces 0-byte output file.
  • SF#44772 – Adds a new option disableOverridingCompressionWithFlate to allow image compression filter as specified by input over optimized flate.

PDF Converter v1.1PlusP3h (August 9, 2021)

Problem Corrections:

  • SF#44175 & SF#44189 – Fixes regression errors out when using external file in PostScript with disablepsfilesystememulation=on.
  • SF#44462 - Corrects an issue in which PDFConverter crashed on the Mac platform when an invalid font was present.

PDF Converter v 1.1P3f (March 4, 2021)


  • SF#42514 – Adds a new parameter relaxDSCSetup for DSC parser to force %%BeginSetup and %%EndSetup when parameter is set to "on", and the Setup scripts are missing in source file. By default the parameter is set to "off".
  • SF#43764 – Adds support for non-standard glyph names being mapped to Unicode entries for text extraction support.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#43872 – Correct an issue in which a crash occurred when creating temp files with emulatePSFileSystem disabled.

PDF Converter v 1.1P3e (November 5, 2020)


  • Improves performance when processing large images.
  • Enhances view rotation so that it is based on text orientation.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#41950 – Corrects an issue in which a Type 0 font lacked a /ToUnicode entry in the output PDF when the input document used the Identity-V cmap.
  • SF#42415 – Corrects an issue finding and loading Suitcase (FFIL) fonts on Mac.
  • SF#42463 – Corrects an issue in which processing a file containing an SMask when using the pdfmark extension to Postscript results in an error.
  • SF#43438 – Corrects an issue in which processing was allowed to continue after a document with an InputAttributes dictionary containing an empty /Priority array raised an error.
  • SF#43489 – Improves processing when the Level 1 Implementation Limit for Strings is exceeded in 64-bit only.
  • SF#43633 – Corrects an issue in which a CIDFont /Ordering entry being created incorrectly.

PDF Converter v 1.1P3c (June 17, 2020)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#42401 – Corrects an issue in which intermittent crashes occurred when job options setting for PreserveOPIComments was set to true.
  • SF#42818 – Corrects an issue in which media box size was unable to be set according to %%BoundingBox value when converting eps file.
  • SF#43027 – Corrects an issue in which Unicode errors were being handled improperly by PDF Converter when a username contained Unicode characters.
  • SF#43157 – Corrects an issue in which an OffendingCommand exception was raised by PDF Converter on Windows. The errors were occurring for an input EPS file that internally called out a 'run' command for another EPS file that had a typical Windows style path.

PDF Converter v 1.1P3a (December 23, 2019)


  • Improves performance when processing large postscript files.
  • Adds non-standard character encoding support for PS.VM path, scratch directory path and democonverter location.

PDF Converter v 1.1P2h (July 19, 2019)

Problem Corrections

  • Corrects an issue where an error message appeared when processing an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file with a large preview image.
  • Corrects a regression where alternate colorant values were missing.

PDF Converter v 1.1P2g (June 4, 2019)


  • Provides means to rotate pages based on text orientation, or based on the %%ViewingOrientation comment when no text appears.
  • Builds apclib and imagetopdf frameworks with MacOS 10.11 SDK.

PDF Converter v 1.1P2f (April 18, 2019)

Problem Corrections

  • Corrects DSC Parser handling so that serial documents will properly parse DSC (Rather than discarding all DSC in second and subsequent documents). Note that the "-e" option should not be used with this solution, as it turns off image sidelining.

PDF Converter v 1.1P2d (and r2) (April 1, 2019)


  • Updates the democonverter sample on Windows to support an input and output Unicode file name.
  • Updates to use the latest version of libpng.
  • Builds apclib and imagetopdf frameworks with MacOS 10.11 SDK.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#41772 – Corrects an issue in the show command resulting in access violations in some cases.
  • SF#41888, SF#41899, SF#41939, SF#41984, SF#42006, SF#42027 – Corrects an issue in flushing streams, internally, which was causing some of the postscript program to be consumed by a stream with no clear end marker.
  • SF#42004 – Corrects an issue in the use of charpath which caused character to move above and below the baseline.
  • SF#42053 – Corrects an issue in which heap corruption could occur processing a document.
  • SF#42068 – Corrects a crash that could occur when a TrueType font with a name table containing an invalid Postscript name was encountered on the system.

PDF Converter v 1.1P1m (November 30, 2018)


  • Adds a new option, ignoreFontsThatCanNotBeEmeddedInOutput, default to off. This option permits processing to proceed without raising an error when a font can't be embedded in the output PDF.


  • Adds link-time flags to allow AIX 32-bit processes to use 2GB memory instead of the 256MB that democonverter was previously limited to under AIX.
  • Statically linked to the Microsoft runtime libraries.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#41485, SF#41689, SF#41733, SF#41759 – Corrects an issue in which the image binary data was not getting processed properly and causing OffendingCommand errors.
  • SF#41548 – Corrects an issue in which MiniPDF.dll had a dependency on the wrong version of the Visual Studio C runtime.
  • SF#41649, SF#41794 – Corrects an issue where converting PS to PDF could result in a 1bpc image that was resampled incorrectly.
  • SF#41692 – Corrects an issue in which the image binary data was not getting processed properly and causing incomplete images.
  • SF#41696 – Corrects an issue in which an incorrect /Decode array could be written for the created image in the PDF.
  • SF#41703 – Corrects an issue in which converting PS to PDF could result in an improper /ToUnicode entry for a font.
  • SF#41772 – Corrects an issue in which converting PS to PDF could result in a crash.
  • SF#41728 – Corrects an issue in which unwanted artifacts were appearing in monochrome images in the created document.
  • Corrects a memory leak that could occur when APCAddImage() was called for a PNG or TIFF image.
  • Corrects an issue that could cause a crash when invoking raster conversion.
  • Corrects an issue in which attempting to do a conversion for a corrupt raster image file would cause subsequent conversion of valid raster files to fail.

PDF Converter v 1.1P1h (October 2, 2018)


  • SF#41470 – Removes unsupported PPC architecture library files from delivered product.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#41631 – Replaces invalid CFBundleIdentifier value with com.adobe.imagetopdf to meet App Store requirements.

PDF Converter v 1.1P1g (August 2, 2018)

Problem Corrections

  • Corrects inaccurate entries in Info.plist files for CFBundleExecutable

PDF Converter v 1.1P1f (June 28, 2018)


  • SF#41201 – Allows continued execution after encountering a Flate encoded image with an incorrect data length.
  • SF#41258 – Adds support for processing Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files with preview images by skipping this extraneous data.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#41045 – Corrects a problem processing images with nested pdfmark BP/EP blocks.

PDF Converter v 1.1P1d (April 6, 2018)


  • SF#40929 – Adds support for fonts with glyph names that are specified in a manner not consistent with the Adobe Glyph List Specification. This permits a proper encoding for a created font to a ToUnicode table in the PDF.

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39172 – Corrects an issue in which the character '@' is used as ESCAPECHAR and can't be used as part of the file path. Now uses '\13' as a new ESCAPECHAR to avoid this collision.
  • SF#40548 – Corrects an issue with an unexpected error when parsing a Type 42 font's data.
  • SF#40747 – Corrects an error in the logic for using a Type 3 font as an index into a Type 42 font.
  • SF#40807 – Corrects an issue in which the installation directories were being designated relative to the executable via @executable_path for the Mac. Now makes use of the @rpath, which instructs the dynamic linker to search a list of paths in order to locate the framework.
  • SF#40986 – Corrects a problem where an incorrect /Decode array could be written for the created image in the PDF.

PDF Converter v 1.1P1c (December 13, 2017)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39977 – Corrects a crash when processing specific pages of a PostScript document.
  • SF#40745 – Includes and corrects the democonverter project files for all platforms.

PDF Converter v 1.1P1a (October 14, 2017)


  • The PDF Converter SDK can now convert JPEG, BMP, PNG, and TIFF images to PDF files.
  • The Datalogics release of PDF Converter now uses the Adobe PDF Library v15.0.4PlusP2f libraries.
  • When converting a PostScript file to a PDF document, you can intercept the conversion at a specific page and notify the PDF Converter SDK to include pages only up to that page in the output file. For example, you can now tell the conversion process to stop after page 10 of a PostScript file.
  • The Image to PDF conversion feature now supports alpha channel in image formats and converts them to softmask in PDF file.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2s (April 26, 2017)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39807 – Corrects a problem where some MediaColor changes were not being shown in Windows 64 systems because of an incorrect comparison of past and current values.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2r (March 10, 2017)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39101 and SF#39186 – Corrects a problem in which blank and erroneous characters were being created in the PDF when processing a PostScript file with an embedded TrueType font. Processing of the sfnts array has been corrected so that all characters now display properly.
  • SF#39354 – Removes PS.VM folder name length restriction of 31 characters for the Mac implementation.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2n (July 25, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39228 – Corrects internal variable initialization and use to eliminate Normalizer crashes on some platforms.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2m (July 19, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39228 – Corrects internal variable initialization to eliminate a Normalizer crash on Windows 10.
  • SF#39229 – Modifies a Normalizer internal search function to speed up the processing of some PostScript files.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2k (May 26, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#39115 – Repeats use of Normalizer in a batch environment can result in the occasional loss of some output PDF content for certain input PostScript files.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2j (May 11, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#38888 – Corrects Normalizer conversion to PDF can result in the corruption of an embedded font. Acrobat complains that it "Cannot extract the embedded font EXFNT170.0. Some characters may not display or print correctly."

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2h (April 5, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#38926 – Corrects an effort to fix a problem with a double free of memory when the +c option was used in Normalizer.
  • SF#38927 – Corrects an effort to fix where occasional attempts to free an already-freed block of memory that now has a NULL pointer.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2g (March 30, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#38926 – Eliminates a double free of memory when the +c option was used in Normalizer.
  • SF#38927 – Eliminates occasional attempts to free an already-freed block of memory that now has a NULL pointer.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2f (February 11, 2016)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#38042 – Corrects a “decode array” processing problem in Normalizer that resulted in IO errors during imageDistiller processing of some input PostScript files.
  • SF#38601 – Corrects a Normalizer internal precision problem that resulted in some output paragraphs being shifted horizontally for some input PostScript files.
  • SF#38762 – Corrects a lost shading problem by changing the default color conversion strategy to sRGB.
  • SF#38766 – Corrects a problem with doubled up horizontal lines in PDF output by increasing the precision in the Normalizer page content optimizing algorithm.
  • SF#38837 – Corrects a problem where Normalizer saw Cambria and Cambria Math as the same font and failed to include Cambria Math in the output PDF.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2e (December 17, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#37964 – Corrects a limitation of the Normalizer demonorm interface "--disableautot1embed=on" switch implementation that just provided a mechanism for users to disable embedding type 1 fonts that exceed 229 characters.
  • SF#38134 – Corrects a problem with logo shading loss when Normalizer demonorm was used without a joboptions file to convert an EPS file to a PDF file. Normalizer’s default “ColorConversionStrategy” was changed from “LeaveColorUnchanged” to “sRGB”. This can correct shading problems, but does potentially switch the PS color space to “sRGB” on conversion to PDF. If it is desired to leave the PS color space unchanged, then the use of a joboptions file specifying “ColorConversionStrategy” is recommended.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2d (November 4, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#36222 – Fixes an issue where Normalizer would crash when a folder or path that contains more than 256 characters exists in the system temp directory.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2c (October 20, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#38430 – Fixes a memory leak issue (All platforms).

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2b (September 28, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#36932 – Fixes a conversion issue when job options file entry of "DetectCurves" is an integer instead of a real (Windows and Mac).
  • SF#38212 – Fixes an issue where a "DCTDecodeFilter Quantizer is 0" error was occurring.
  • SF#38348 – Fixes an issue where an "OffendingCommand: distillsave" error occurs when compatibility level is 1.5 or higher.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP2a (August 28, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#38098 – Fixes an issue where Normalizer displayed gradual memory leaks.
  • SF#38133 – Fixes an issue where the encoding of the glyphs within the input PS could not be appropriately mapped to the Unicode tables.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1z (May 7, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#33616 – Fixes an issue where an "Error accessing the color profile" message is displayed when a sub-folder is created in the ICC Profiles directory. (Win32)
  • SF#37964 – Fixes an issue where the URW fonts were still embedded when even with the "--disableautot1embed" set to "on". (Win64)

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1y (April 2, 2015)

Problem Corrections

  • SF#37483 – Fixed an issue where attempting to convert results in "DCTDecodeFilter Unknown or invalid JPEG marker = 0xD7" on Win32. (Win32)

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1x (Windows only) (February 27, 2015)


  • SF37854 – The DL100nserver.dll "Product name" now contains the product version, making it easier to distinguish between releases. Previous versions of DL100nserver.dll were only distinguishable by the "Date modified" entry. An enhancement was made in this release to include the product version to the "Product name" entry (as in "Normalizer 10.0P1x"). Updating the product version will now be part of the release procedure to make distinguishing between Normalizer releases easier.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1x (February 27, 2015)


  • SF36440 – Adds new option "--disableclipping=on/off " to allow text outside of the PageSize to be visible in the content stream. By default text outside the PS page dimensions are tagged with the OUTSIDE_CLIP state and are not displayed in the PDF content stream. The new option when set to "on" tags the text outside the PS page dimensions with the PARTIALLY_CLIPPED state allowing the text to be displayed in the PDF content stream.

Problem Corrections

  • SF34434 – Fixes an issue where vertical displacement was not being displayed by the output PDF with regards to the fmaptype 7 entry. (All platforms)
  • SF37726 – Fixes an issue where a "CantHappen called - error id=0" error message is displayed when using a custom startupNORM.ps file with demonorm. (All platforms)

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1w (February 5, 2015)


  • SF37369 – Adds new option "--disableautot1embed=on/off" to allow the user the option to not embedded Type1 fonts that have more than 230 characters. By default, Type 1 fonts that contain more than 230 characters are embedded in the PDF. The new option when set to "on" allows the Type1 font not to be embedded in the PDF.

Problem Corrections

  • SF36574 and 37455 – Fixes a "core dumped" issue when running in dbx on Solaris INTEL64. (Slaris INTEL32 and Solaris INTEL64)

This release is a fix of Normalizer 10.0PlusP1u for Solaris INTEL platforms.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1u (December 23, 2014)

Problem Corrections

  • SF36574 and SF37455 – Fixes an issue where demonorm results in a "core dumped" when running in dbx on Solaris INTEL64. (Solaris INTEL64)

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1t (December 3, 2014)

Problem Corrections

  • SF37230 and SF37266 – Fixes an issue where some of the composed fonts in the PostScript file fail to render certain glyphs. (All platforms)

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1s (February 10, 2014)

Problem Corrections

  • SF33345 – Fixes an issue where PostScript with both halftone and non-halftone images results in a PDF with missing halftone. (Win32).
  • SF33796 – Provides better error messaging when PS.VM file is missing. (All Platforms).

Built using APDFL10.1.0P2j.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1r (January 23, 2014)

Problem Corrections

  • SF35392 – Fixes an issue where characters were missing when HWResolution=1200 (). (Linux32).

Built using APDFL10.1.0P2h.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1q (January 23, 2014)

Problem Corrections

  • SF35312 – Fixes an issue where PDFs generated on Win64 have missing document metadata. (Win64)

Built using APDFL10.1.0P1q.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1p (January 15, 2013)


  • License Managed release for Win32.
  • License Managed release for Win64.
  • Adds an additional command line option for demonorm. User can specify "-l" (hyphen lowercase L) to point at the directory containing the license file or the license file itself.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1m (November 5, 2012)

Problem Corrections

  • SF33693 – Fixes an issue where objects were missing in the PDF.
  • SF34952 – Fixes an issue that causes a crash on NormalizerServerShutdown.

Includes a demonorm_SetupGuide_Win.txt file in /demonorm folder that better explains building demonorm.exe.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1k (July 27, 2012)

Problem Corrections

  • SF34189 – Fixed an issue where Chinese characters were missing in the PDF (Win32)

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1j (July 3, 2012)

Problem Corrections

  • SF34385 – Fixes an issue where demonorm results in a “glibc detected” crash when using a specific joboptions file with a specific PostScript file (Linux32).
  • SF34412 – Fixes an issue to allow Unicode filenames for input and output (Win32).
  • SF34463 – Fixes an issue where demonorm results in a “glibc detected” crash when using a specific joboptions file with a specific PostScript file (Linux32).

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1h (June 1, 2012)

Problem Corrections

  • SF34393 – Fixes an issue where MediaPosition in page device settings is incorrectly reported as NULL (Win32)
  • SF34394 – Fixes an issue where MediaClass in page device settings is not reported (Win32).
  • SF34644 – Fixes a crash where demonorm results in a segmentation fault (core dumped) when processing a specific PostScript file (SolarisINTEL64).

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1g (April 17, 2012)

Problem Corrections

  • Signed DLLs displays Datalogics instead of Adobe (Win32 and Win64).
  • SF31675 – Fixes a crash where Normalizer ACE Framework clashes with other Adobe applications (Mac).
  • SF33576 – Fixes a PostScript error "Error: limitcheck; OffendingCommand: findfont" when processing a PS file (Mac).
  • SF33616 – Fixes a PostScript error "Error accessing color profile" when a subfolder is created in the ICC Profiles folder (Win32).

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1f (April 17, 2012)

  • Additional platform support for SolarisINTEL32 and SolarisSPARC

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1f (April 6, 2012)

  • Additional platform support for SolarisINTEL64.
  • DL Build of Normalizer 10.0 which includes all features and fixes included in Adobe Normalizer 10.0.
  • Built with DL file name conventions for the .dll and .so files.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1e (April 6, 2012)

  • Additional platform support for SolarisINTEL32 and SolarisSPARC.
  • DL Build of Normalizer 10.0 which includes all features and fixes included in Adobe Normalizer 10.0.
  • Built with DL file name conventions for the .dll and .so files.

Normalizer v 10.0PlusP1b (January 24, 2012)

  • DL Build of Normalizer 10.0 which includes all features and fixes included in Adobe Normalizer 10.0.
  • Built with DL file name conventions for the .dll and .so files.
  • Discontinues support for Red Hat Workstation 4.