PDF Converter Addendum

Supported Environments

Windowsx86_64Visual Studio 2019+
LinuxARM64 with glibc 2.17+Clang 3.9+, or gcc 4.8+
Linuxx86_64 with glibc 2.17+Clang 3.9+, or gcc 4.8+
macOSApple SiliconXcode 13+
macOSIntel x86_64Xcode 13+

Additional Changes

  • UTF8 Support
  • Latest OSS security updates
  • Adds a new option disableOverridingCompressionWithFlate to allow image compression filter as specified by input over optimized flate.
  • Adds a new parameter relaxDSCSetup for DSC parser to force %%BeginSetup and %%EndSetup when parameter is set to “on”, and the Setup scripts are missing in source file. By default the parameter is set to “off”.
  • Adds a new option, ignoreFontsThatCanNotBeEmeddedInOutput, default to off. This option permits processing to proceed without raising an error when a font can’t be embedded in the output PDF.
  • Adds new option “--disableclipping=on/off ” to allow text outside of the PageSize to be visible in the content stream. By default text outside the PS page dimensions are tagged with the OUTSIDE_CLIP state and are not displayed in the PDF content stream. The new option when set to “on” tags the text outside the PS page dimensions with the PARTIALLY_CLIPPED state allowing the text to be displayed in the PDF content stream.
  • Removes PS.VM folder name length restriction of 31 characters for the Mac implementation.
  • Adds support for fonts with glyph names that are specified in a manner not consistent with the Adobe Glyph List Specification. This permits a proper encoding for a created font to a ToUnicode table in the PDF.
  • Allows continued execution after encountering a Flate encoded image with an incorrect data length.
  • Adds support for processing Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files with preview images by skipping this extraneous data.
  • Updates the democonverter sample on Windows to support an input and output Unicode file name.
  • Provides means to rotate pages based on text orientation, or based on the %%ViewingOrientation comment when no text appears.
  • Adds non-standard character encoding support for PS.VM path, scratch directory path and democonverter location.
  • Enhances view rotation so that it is based on text orientation.
  • Adds support for non-standard glyph names being mapped to Unicode entries for text extraction support.